----------------------------------------------------------- Simple, safe kernel compile and install. ----------------------------------------------------------- Nothing special, my first suggestion would be to read more texts on kernels and try to educate yourself as to what you are doing when using these notes. [H3C] EPiC 1) Copy /vmlinuz to /vmlinuz.safe This will make a backup copy of the kernel and configuration you are currently using. 2) Edit /etc/lilo.conf You will have something similiar to: image = /vmlinuz root = /dev/hda2 label = Linux read-only You will want to add the backup image to the config file, as follows (Note: Your hard drive information (/dev/hd*) may be different.) image = /vmlinuz.safe root = /dev/hda2 label = Safe read-only That will allow you to chose between the new kernel attempt, and the old "safe" kernel at boot. 3) Run lilo, be sure your new image was loaded succesfully. EX: root@apollo:/etc# lilo Added Linux * Added Safe Added 2.2.19 Added 2.4.16 Added 2.4.17 root@apollo:/etc# 4) Get kernel source. (linux-*.*.*.tar.gz) from kernel.org 5) Extract the source, and enter the created "linux" directory. 6) Type make menuconfig, here you will have to go through the menus and configure the options to your needs. 7) Type make dep 8) Type make clean 9) Type make bzImage 10) Type make bzlilo ** I would recommend you check the configuration of /etc/lilo.conf over again and run lilo one more time making sure your safe image is available and loaded. reboot